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Plenary sessions Summer school "Interdisciplinary Methods in Migration Studies"

Pubblicato: Venerdì 21 luglio 2023

Interdisciplinary Methods in Migration Studies

Summer school organizzata nell'ambito delle attività della rete UNITA, che si terrà da lunedì 4 a venerdì 8 settembre 2023 presso il CLE.

Informazioni e programma sul sito web della Summer School.

Le plenary sessions saranno aperte al pubblico. Di seguito gli appuntamenti:

14.00 - 16.15

Georgiana Turculet, University Pompeu Fabra

Academic_Puszi, by Georgiana Turculet, PhD, awarded Marie S. Curie Fellow, reflects upon the idea of being stuck in movement. The film unveils the precarity behind the otherwise prestigious outlook of her and most academic profiles and careers. The documentary reconstructs, through a poetic and reflexive style and rhythm, Georgie's story that
intertwines with interviewees' personal and professional stories - all mounting jointly a criticism of the societal and academic culture and structure, within which we all live.

16.30 - 18.00

Keynote lecture
Francesca Morra, Passi@Unito/Università di Torino. CREtAM - Department of Cultures, Politics and Society

How is migration imagined? And how is it desired? Drawing on the ethnography of an interdisciplinary clinical setting, this lecture discusses the forms and the roots of suffering among young migrants in Italy. In their migration trajectories different imaginaries of mobility resonate, and sometimes collide, producing entanglements between mental distress, multiple dimensions of exclusion and precarity, and aspiration to move.

18.00 - 20.00

Film screening

Celeste Fortes & Edson Silva Delgado, Universidade de Cabo Verde. Centro de Investigação em Gênero e Família

In Cape Verde the far away land is romanticized as a place of abundance. It is from there that the Bidons arrive, sent from different destinations, filled to various rhythms, representing the victory of the emigration and personifying the presence of those who had to leave the
country. Bidon: a capeverdean dream sthitches three feminine stories, exposing the mediation of the Bidon, central character in Cape Verdeans life, in the relationship between who stayed and those who emigrated. Camila was 11 when she saw her mother emigrating to the United States. For 18 years they have strengthened their relationship, shortening the distance through the constant presence of the Bidons prepared with maternal affection. Dona São, in the products that she buys from the Bidons, imported by local merchants, seeks to escape poverty and support her childrens. The outlying districts of the island are the road that runs for the street vending, feeding the dream of reaching the land far away. Patricia already lived there in the land far away. She returned as a child and seeks to rescue the sensory memories of this experience by buying several products imported from the United States.
She doesn´t want to go back there, but like most capeverdean daughters and sons, she dreams someday to realize the Cape Verdean dream: to receive a Bidon.

Mari Korpela, Tampere University

Temporary labour migration of skilled professionals is increasing in various parts of the world. Often, such expatriates are accompanied by their children but very little is known of their views and experiences. In my ethnographic research project, I investigate the views and experiences of such children and youth in Finland. During my fieldwork, I filmed a group of 14-year-old boys on their free time in a Finnish town. 
The film is a reflexive story of our collaborative film project that did not go according to my plans. In addition, the film tells about the boys' freetime activities; the good times they have together and their social interactions with each other and with the researcher. The film also
shows the boys’ reflections on their lives and experiences as "foreigners" in a Finnish town.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/07/2023 15:07
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