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Summer School

2-13 July 2018, Campus Luigi Einaudi, Torino


EC_square.png The Engaging Conflict Summer School is designed to equip committed students, early-career researchers and professionals with advanced tools to critically understand conflict and tackle it as a dynamic reality. Engaging Conflict's faculty draws from a unique spectrum of expertise to train a select group of participants in assessing the complexity of conflict and post-conflict scenarios, and evaluating the relevance and impact of different policy choices or normative standings, from non-intervention to conflict prevention.

The programme is structured around two intensive weeks, 2-13 July 2018. Engaging Conflict activities are not limited to lectures, as workshops, seminars and role-plays complete the schedule. In addition, specifically designed thematic conversations will offer participants the opportunity to interact with scholars and practitioners alike in an informal environment.

Classes are limited to 25 participants, English proficiency is required, and international applications are welcome. Ideal candidates will have a basic understanding of conflict-related issues. Scholarships are available, covering tuition fees, accommodation and meals.

For further information, please visit:

Engaging Conflict is organized by T.wai in cooperation with the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin, and in particular with the MA programme in Scienze Internazionali.


Ultimo aggiornamento: 21/09/2018 23:32
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