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Practices and Policies around Parenthood. Work-family balance and childcare in multicultural contexts

Ente finanziatore
Compagnia di San Paolo
Manuela Naldini

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Descrizione del progetto


The main objective of the proposed research is to analyse social, cultural and institutional variations in the gendered policies and practices of parenthood. It focuses on three types of families: dual earner families during the transition to their first child, immigrant families with infants or young children, lone parents. The purpose of the project is twofold. First, it aims at assessing and evaluating the degree to which the Italian welfare state system, through its normative regulations and patterns of social provision for parents contributes to shape gender equality, child-wellbeing, and work-family balance, which are three official policy goals at the national, European and OECD level. Second, on the basis of the empirical findings, it aims at discussing the feasibility of a policy approach focused specifically at combating social exclusion and achieving equal opportunities in a context which is increasingly multicultural: for women and men and for children coming from different types of family.
The research project is linked, specifically in the part related to transition to the first child, to an international network and project already existing (TransParent), which includes research investigators representing different welfare state regimes (Spain, Netherlands, Sweden and Germany), and to which we want to add the Italian case.
The research project adopts a methodologically innovative approach, which combines a macro and micro perspective, as well as a qualitative and quantitative approach, within a longitudinal framework. Furthermore, it brings together expertises coming from different disciplinary fields: sociology, law, psychology, demography, social policy analysis, combining scholarship on gender and the welfare state, family arrangements and relationships, childhood and migration.

Starting date February 2012 - Duration 36 months
Type of request Track A
Scientific Field (MacroArea) III. Humanities, Political and Social


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Ultimo aggiornamento: 08/05/1975 01:52
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