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5 luglio 2023 | Education system in the separatist region of the Republic of Moldova

Pubblicato: Venerdì 23 giugno 2023

Education system in the separatist region of the Republic of Moldova

Seminario con Ecaterina Popsoi
Junior Expert, Institute for European Policies and Reforms

Organizzato nell'ambito del progetto HESPRI - Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società

5 luglio 2023 ore 14.30
Torino, CLE, Aula 3D440

Since gaining independence in 1991, the political arena in the Republic of Moldova has been dominated by parties close to the Russian Federation, i.e. Russian interests have been strongly promoted in the region throughout this time.
Moreover, the Russian Federation played a key role in the outbreak of the conflict, first political in 1990 and then military in 1992, between the newly formed Republic of Moldova and the self-proclaimed "Transnistrian Moldovan Republic,"known today as Transnistria, by providing military, economic, and political support to the separatist region. After the end
of the active phase of the conflict, the Russian 14th Army remained on the territory to carry out a pacification mission.
Despite Russia's repeated promises to withdraw its military forces from Moldova, this has not happened to date.
After the snap elections on the 11th of July 2021, the balance of power in the state took an unexpected turn. In this election, a party with a pro-European agenda (the Action and Solidarity party) won the parliamentary majority (63 out of 101 seats in Parliament). The major goal of the ruling party is the integration of Moldova within the EU by 2030. On 23rd of July 2022, following the Russian Federation's military invasion of Ukraine, a country with which Moldova shares a land border, Moldova obtained the status of candidate country for EU membership. These new political realities raise the issue of solving the Transnistrian conflict and normalizing relations between the two banks of the Dniester River (right bank Moldova/left bank-Transnistria).
One of the fields of vital importance to society and which could play a major role in the territorial reintegration of Moldova is education. Obviously, the territorial, socio-political, and economic reintegration of the Republic of Moldova is impossible without the rapprochement, harmonization, and integration of the education systems on both banks of the Dniester River, which have developed separately and in isolation for almost 30 years.
This study aims to give a brief overview of the current state of the education system operating in the separatist region of the Republic of Moldova (Transnistria), the development trends, and the identification of prospects for rapprochement with the Moldovan education system, thus opening opportunities for territorial reintegration.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 23/06/2023 10:02
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