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2 maggio 2022 | After a Strange Campaign. Are French democracy and Institutions Crumbling down?

Pubblicato: Giovedì 21 aprile 2022

2 MAGGIO 2022
h 14.30 - 16.30
Sala Lauree Rossa - Campus Einaudi

Erik Neveu is emeritus professor of political science at Sciences Po Rennes. He is a member of the research team ARENES-CNRS. A large part of his research has focused on media and the public sphere, social movements, and the construction of public problems. His most recent books are « Globalizing issues. How frames, claims and problems cross borders», (with Muriel Surdez, Palgrave 2020) and « Nouvelle sociologie politique de la France», with Christian Lebart and Thomas Frinault (Dunod, 2021).

Nicolas Hubé is a full professor of media and communication sciences at the University of Lorraine and a member of the CREM (Center for Research on Mediations) where he is co-director of the Praximedia team (Journalism, public space, representations). His current works are focused on European Union communication policies, on comparative journalism sociology in Europe and on the populist phenomenon in Europe. He is the co-author of an Boeck, new expanded edition 2022).

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