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25-26 maggio 2023 | Monroe turns 200: two centuries of interimperial and transimperial connections

Pubblicato: Giovedì 18 maggio 2023

Monroe turns 200: two centuries of interimperial and transimperial connections

Workshop internazionale organizzato dal Dottorato in Global History of Empires

25-26 Maggio 2023
Torino, CLE, Aula 3D233 | Webex

Per informazioni: Marco Mariano |

May 25 h. 3:00-6:00 pm

Chair: Juan Paz y Miño (PUCE, Quito)

Marco Mariano (University of Turin), Imagined Community to Security System to International Empire. The Many Lives of the Monroe Doctrine
Benedetta Calandra (University of Bergamo), US-Latin America Cultural Relations between History and Historiography
Vanni Pettinà (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice), Latin America’s Cold War Historiographies. Beyond the Virtual Monroe Doctrine

Discussant: Mario Del Pero (SciencesPo, Paris)

May 26 h. 09.00 am-12 pm

Chair: Barbara Curli (University of Turin)
Deborah Besseghini (University of Turin), Hispanic America and the Hemispheric Dream, 1800-1830
Alex Bryne (University of Nottingham), Fittingly Observed: Celebrating and Debating the Monroe Doctrine at its Centennial Anniversary, 1923
Felipe Colla de Amorim (Leiden University), Disputing Sovereignty: Latin America’s Third Worldism at the United Nations
Stella Krepp (University of Bern), America for the Americans: Inter-American Relations and the Monroe Doctrine, 1940-68

Discussant: Ian Merkel (Free University, Berlin)

Ultimo aggiornamento: 18/05/2023 16:11
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