9 febbraio 2024 | Weaponizing Nature and Dehumanizing Humans. Notes for a political ecology of war
Weaponizing Nature and Dehumanizing Humans. Notes for a political ecology of war
Seminario organizzato da Cattedra Unesco in Sviluppo Sostenibile e Gestione del Territorio, Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario “Crisis”, Master in “Sostenibilità socio-ambientale delle reti agroalimentari”, Rivista “Culture della Sostenibilità”, Dipartimento Culture, Politica e Società
- Sahba El-Shawa, PhD candidate on Sustainable Development and Climate Change – IUSS Pavia
- Dario Padovan, University of Turin
- Davide Grasso, University of Turin
- Claudio Marciano, University of Genoa
Andrea Taffuri, PhD candidate on Sustainable Development and Climate Change IUSS Pavia
9 febbraio 2021 ore 17.00
Torino, CLE, Aula 3D440 | Webex
Wars are sparkling in different parts of the Earth. The global scarcity of vital resources and the onset of extreme climate change are fuelling already existing wave of unrest, rebellion, and conflict. Wars over contested land or to conserve an instable neo-colonial empire are leading to the collapse of the socio-ecological order. These armed conflicts are increasingly characterized by a radical dehumanization of civilians and combatants as well as by a renewed used of Nature as weapon. Nature is weaponized when it is used by armed actors to do harm not only to the enemy but also to civil populations that would like to avoid the conflict. Human beings are dehumanized not only when they are targeted by brutally mass murders, but also when their habitats are carefully destroyed with the aim to displace them from their land forever. It means to accomplish a genocide. We need an alternative agenda aimed to constraint militarism, fossilism and linked cycles of violence, for building a horizon of peaceful and ecological relations.