Davide Grasso
Assegnista di ricerca
- Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
- SSD: SPS/07 - sociologia generale
- n/d
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- davide.grasso@unito.it
- https://unito.webex.com/meet/davide.grasso
- Department of Cultures, Politics and Society
University of Turin, Campus Luigi Einaudi
Lungo Dora Siena, 100/A – 10153 – Turin, Italy - https://www.dcps.unito.it/persone/davideantonio.grasso
- VCard contatti
- Department of Cultures, Politics and Society
- Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
La città e il fantasma. Dal muro di Berlino ai nuovi muri (The City and the Ghost. From the Berlin Wall to the New Walls), Book, Rome, Castelvecchi, 2019. ISBN: 9788832827774
Il fiore del deserto. La rivoluzione delle donne e delle comuni tra l'Iraq e la Siria del nord (The Flower of the Desert. The Revolution of Women and Communes in Iraq and northern Syria), Book, Milan, AgenziaX, 2018. ISBN-13: 9788898922529; ISBN-10: 8898922523
Translated works:
Kulîlka biyabanê. Şoreşa jinê û komînan di navbera Iraqê û bakurê Sûrîyayê da (The Flower of the Desert. The revolution of women and communes in Iraq and northern Syria), Wergera ji zimanê erebî (Translated from Arabic to Kurmancî) by Dilyar Hoşê, Naqesh Publishing, Qamishlo, Syria, 2023
Zahrat Al-Sahra’. Thawrat Al-Nisa’ wal-Kumiuwnat min Al-Eiraq wa-Shamal Suria (The Flower of the Desert. The revolution of women and communes in Iraq and northern Syria), translated by Amani Fawzi Habshi, Ahmed Ismail, Ronak Haji and Ismail Ismail, Shiler Publishing, Al-Qamishli, Syria, 2022
Edited books:
Omaggio al Rojava. Il fronte siriano, la rivoluzione confederale e la lotta contro il jihadismo (Homage to Rojava. The Syrian Front, the Confederal Revolution and the Fight Against Jihadism), Edited volume, Rome, Redstarpress, 2019. ISBN: 9788867182381
Articles in peer-reviewed journals:
Introduction, with A. Novellis, in Grasso, D., Novellis, A., Eds, Exploring the Kurdish Movement: Dynamics, Institution building and theoretical perspectives, Partecipazione e Conflitto, 17(3bis), 2025
Marx, decrescita e comunismo ecologico: dalla comunità-capitale alla comunità-natura (Marx, degrowth and ecological communism: from community-capital to community-nature), with D. Padovan, A. Taffuri, A. Sciullo, Quaderni della decrescita, 1, 3, 2024, 154-176. ISSN: 3034-9966
Ethnic or political cleansing? Identity, cultural heritage and demographic engineering in the Turkish-occupied territories of northern Syria, R. Di Peri, C. Maritato, (eds), A Matter of Identity? State legitimacy between space control and adhocratic governance, De Europa. European and Global Studies Journal, 7/1, 2024, 61-83. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.13135/2611-853X/10572; ISSN: 2611-853X
Unveiling the social transformative potential of Collective Action in Energy Transition: from energy communities towards a communalism of energy, with D. Padovan, O. Arrobbio, A., Sciullo, A. Taffuri, J. Bindi, F. Bartolomei, L. Mastrosimone, Culture della Sostenibilità, 33, 2024, 153-157. DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.7402/CDS.33.010; ISSN 1972-5817 (print); 1972-2511 (online)
Energy commoning. The politicization of energy collective action in Southern Europe, with A. Taffuri, D. Padovan, O. Arrobbio, A. Sciullo, A. Grignani, Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 65(2), 2024, 315-342. DOI: 10.1423/114122; ISBN: 978-88-15-42525-6
Sulla resilienza. Note per una sociologia dei sistemi socio-ecologici (On Resilience. Notes for a Sociology of Socio-Ecological Systems), with C. Marciano, A. Sciullo, in Resilienza: dilemmi e controversie attorno a un concetto socio-ecologico (Resilience: dilemmas and controversies around a socio-ecological concept), A. Alietti, D. Padovan (eds), Studi di Sociologia, LXII, 1, 2024, 53-65. DOI: 10.26350/000309_000187
Heritage, Community and Future Generations. The Transgenerational Quest for Justice, Rivista di Estetica, 84, 3, 2023, 103-121. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/estetica.9675; ISBN 9791259932792
Artefatti, ostensione e realtà istituzionale. Le Unità Anti-Terrore nella guerra siriana (Artifacts, Ostension and Institutional reality. The Anti-Terror Units in the Syrian War), Giornale critico di storia delle idee, 2, 2018, 121-138. ISBN: 9788857558097
Incarnazioni dell'intangibile. Idealità e scrittura tra memoria e progettazione (Incarnations of the Intangible. Ideality and Writing between Memory and Project), Rivista di estetica, 2, 2012, 101-113. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/estetica.1472; ISBN-10. 8878851612; ISBN-13. 978-8878851610
Tutela, stile, autografia. Ontologia dei beni culturali e architettura (Style, Autography, Preservation. Ontology of the Cultural Heritage and Architecture), in Rivista di estetica, 1, 2012, 333-354. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/estetica.1725; ISBN-10. 8878851493; ISBN-13. 978-8878851498
Ontologia dei beni culturali (Ontology of Cultural Heritage), Aphex – Rivista on line di filosofia, 4, 2011, 51-79. ISSN: 2036-9972
Filosofi in archivio. Appunti di lavoro (Philosophers in the Archive. Work Notes), Historia Magistra. Rivista di Storia Critica, 6, 2011, 100-105. DOI: 10.3280/HM2011-006011
Quale verità per la storia? Conoscenza, prassi linguistica e contesti sociali (What Truth for History? Knowledge, Linguistic Praxis and Social Contexts), Historia Magistra. Rivista di Storia Critica, 1, 2009, 109-121. ISSN 2036-4040
Memoria e conservazione. La Rückfrage delle istituzioni (Memory and Preservation. The Rückfrage of Institutions), Rivista di Estetica, 3, 2007, 149-166. DOI: https://doi.org/10.4000/estetica.2367
Book chapters:
La rivoluzione del Rojava e il paradigma della modernità democratica, in L’altra politica. La partecipazione non convenzionale nei vecchi e nuovi conflitti sociopolitici, a cura di L. Alteri, S. Busso, G. Piazza e L. Raffini, Milano, McGraw-Hill, 2025
Öcalan, Bookchin and the Threshold between Authority and Nature, Proceedings of the Conference “Challenging Capitalist Modernity IV: We Want Our World Back!”, Network for an Alternative Quest, University of Hamburg, April 7th-9th, 2025
Capitalismo fossile, militarismo e guerra. Conflitti della deep transition (Fossil Capital, Militarism and War. Conflicts in the Deep Transition), with D. Padovan, in Energia e mutamento sociale, Milan, Franco Angeli, 2024. ISBN: 9788835165262
Gender Relationships and Legal Change in Syria. The Family Law Reforms of the Rojava Revolution, in M. D’Amico, T. Groppi, C., Nardocci (eds), The Role of Women and Women’s Civil Society Organizations in Peace Processes, Milan, Franco Angeli, 2024, 163-186. ISBN 9788835158769
Erased, Emerging, Engraved. Nazi architecture, heritage and public memory, with Liza Candidi, in The Afterlife of Fascist-Era Architecture, Monuments and Works of Art in Italy, ed. by C. Belmonte, Milano, Silvana Editoriale, 2023, 85-100. ISBN 9788836654482
Autorité/avant-garde/autogestion: une tension incomprise dans la révolution confederale, in Crétois, Pierre, Jourdain, Édouard, “La démocratie sous les bombes. Syrie-Le Rojava entre idéalisation et répression”, Bordeaux, Le Bord de l'Eau, 2022, 45-75. ISBN: 9782356878823
Agamben, o coronavírus e o estado de exceção (Agamben, the Coronavirus and the state of exception), in Vozes do Fronte. Considorações sobra lo irromper do Covid-19 na Itália (Voices from the Frontline. Considerations on the Outbreak of Covid-19 in Italy), with Donatella Di Cesare, Giorgio Agamben, Jennifer Barbosa, Massimo Cacciari, Raffaele Alberto Ventura, Vinícius Nicastro Honesko, Venezia, Editora Âyiné, 2020
Nuovi colori del Medio oriente (New Colors of the Middle East), in E. Battaglia, I nuovi volti del Mediterraneo. Dalle guerre altrui in terra di nessuno alla resistenza del popolo curdo (New faces of the Mediterranean. From the ‘War of Others’ in a No Man’s Land to the Kurdish Resistance), Edizioni erranti, Cosenza, 2016, 219-225. ISBN-10, 8895073495; ISBN-13, 978-8895073491
Travestimento della bellezza/Disguise of beauty, with M. Pellegrino, in R. Amirante, C. Piscopo, P. Scala (eds), La bellezza per il rospo, Clean, Napoli, 2014, 101-109. ISBN 978-88-8497-260-6; hal-01205809
Edited special issues in peer-reviewed journals:
Prefiguring Sustainable Futures through Socio-ecological Practices, Societies, 2, 2025; role: Co-editor of the special issue; Indexed: Scopus, ESCI, DOAJ, REPEC, Econbiz; International ranking: CiteScore - Q2 (General Social Sciences); Guest editor: Alessandro Padovan; Other co-editors: Osman Arrobbio, Alessandro Sciullo
Exploring the Kurdish Movement: Dynamics, Institution Building, and Theoretical Perspectives, Partecipazione e conflitto, 2, 2025; role: Co-editor of the special issue; Indexed: Scopus, WOS, Crossref, DOAJ, Ebsco, Georgetown University Library, IBSS, Ulrich’s; International ranking: Scimago 2020: 1st in Italy, Sociology journals; 2nd in Italy, Political science journals; Italian ranking: Italian Academic Research Evaluation Agency: Class A for Area 14 (Sociology and Political Science); Co-editor: Andrea Novellis
Articles in non-peer-reviewed journals:
Per un concetto democratico di nazione (For a Democratic Concept of Nation), Micromega, 6, 2023, 82-97. ISSN 2499-0884
The People’s Communes in Rojava and North-Eastern Syria. Characters, Evolution and Contradictions of an Institution of Self-Government, Études Kurdes, 15, 2022, 109-143
Gender Equality or Legal Pluralism? An Ostensible Puzzle in Syrian Rojava’s Legal System, Syrian Studies Association Bulletin, 2, 2021, 1-5
La rivoluzione come scienza-donna: una fragile eccezione nel deserto delle alternative (Revolution as Woman-Science: a Fragile Exception in a Desert of Alternatives), Spazio filosofico, 4, 2019, 205-215
Public Horizon Europe deliverables:
Social side of policy impact, with Cristina Bargero, Lysander Fockaert, Petri Kero, Fatemeh Jouzi, Laura Lakanen, Chipo Peveling, Gianfranco Pomatto, Alessandro Sciullo, Per Erik Sørås, Lucia Zwart, European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme “Providing operational economic appraisal methods and practices for decision-making on climate and environmental policies”, Portal of the European Commission, June 2023
Building a Theory of Change to identify evaluation needs, with Soukaina Anougmar, Cristina Bargero, Sigrid Johanne Husøy, Petri Kero, Fatemeh Jouzi, Laura Lakanen, Karolien Michiel, Paolo Pisciella, Alessandro Sciullo, Per Erik Sørås, Paul Van Der Sluys, Sophie Van Schoubroeck, Martijn Verdonk, Lucia Zwart, European Union’s Horizon Europe Programme “Providing operational economic appraisal methods and practices for decision-making on climate and environmental policies”, Portal of the European Commission, February 2023
Pre-Doctoral School in Comparative Law, Economic and Finance
Module: Law and Ethics in Time of War
Module I: A New Concept of Democratic Modernity: History and Development
Module II: A New Concept of Democratic Modernity: Actual and Possible Implementation
Timeframe: January 2024
2023, University of Milano Bicocca
Scuola di perfezionamento in Teoria critica della società
Module: Ecologia e democrazia tra Kurdistan e Europa (Ecology and Democracy between Europe and Kurdistan)
Timeframe: December 2023
2023, International University College,
Partner Institution, University of Turin
Pre-Doctoral School in Comparative Law, Economic and Finance
Second Term
Course: Law and Ethics in Time of War II
Module I: Philosophy, Violence and Authority
Module II: Ethics and the Deconstruction of Law
Pre-Doctoral School in Comparative Law, Economic and Finance
First Term
Course: Law and Ethics in Time of War I
Module I: The Revolution and Its Specters
Module II: Social Acts and Legal Systems
2023, Scuola di perfezionamento in Teoria critica della società, University of Milano Bicocca
Course: Diritto e Stato (State and Law)
Seminar: Diritto, Stato e Rivoluzione. Che cosa possiamo apprendere dalla Guerra in Siria
(Law, State and Revolution. What we can learn from the Syrian War)
2022, International University College, Collegio Carlo Alberto, Università di Torino
Ll.m. in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance
Second Term
Course: Political Philosophy and the Deconstruction of Law
Module I: Authority and power in relation to violence
Module II: Criteria of normative legitimation and deconstruction
Ll.m. in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance
First Term
Course: Institutions and Politics in Time of Conflict
Module I: Syria: A Multi-faceted Civil War
Module II: Diversity of de facto legal systems
2021, International University College (Collegio Carlo Alberto, Università di Torino)
Ll.m. in Comparative Law, Economics and Finance
First Term
Course: Institutions and Politics in Time of Conflict
Title: Contexts, Violence and Power: the Syrian Civil War
Temi di ricerca
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, General Sociology
Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin
Timeframe: July 2024 - June 2026
Project: Pathways for Co-creation between Local Authorities and Collective Actions for a Sustainable Transition (CO-SUSTAIN)
Principal Investigator: Dario Padovan (Università di Torino)
Operational Role: Team Member UNITO, responsible for daily Lab activities
Involvement in Work Packages (daily lab, co-coordination)
Work Package 1: Designing the Research and Assessment Methods (Team coordination of the WP)
Task 1.1: Development of the research methodology
Task 1.2: Development of the research tools and internal training
Task 1.3: Context and stakeholder analysis for the historic examples
Task 1.4: Development of the assessment framework for the case studies
Work Package 2: Understanding the triggers, management, and impacts of latent and manifest political participation through historic examples
Task 2.1: Conducting a literature review on the triggers and management of latent and manifest forms of political participation
Task 2.2: Studying historic examples of political participation linked to societal and environmental imperatives (Subtask 2.2.1 Textual analysis; Subtask 2.2.2 Integrating stakeholder perspectives; Subtask 2.2.3 System mapping)
Task 2.3: Delivering best (and worst) practices to support and manage latent and manifest forms of political participation
Task 2.4: Structuring deliberation panels for latent and manifest forms of political participation
Direct responsibility for Deliverable Coordination:
D1.1 CO-SUSTAIN Research Guide. Description: A guide to analyse latent and manifest political participation and understand its origins, management and impact, including the steps, methods, tools, and advice
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, General Sociology
Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin
Timeframe: January 2023 - December 2023
Project: Providing Operational Economic Appraisal Methods and Practices for Informed Decision-Making on Climate and Environmental Policies (PATTERN)
European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme 101056734
Length: July 2022 - July 2025
Principal Investigator: Sonia Quiroga Gomez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Academic Consortium Partners: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, University of Turin, Flemish Institute for Technological Research, University of Antwerp, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology
Other Partners: Euroquality, ISMERI Europa, Vlaamse Landmaatschappij, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, IRES Piemonte, Trøndelag County Authority, City of Lappeenranta
Operational Role: Team Member UNITO, responsible for daily Lab activities
Involvement in Work Packages (daily lab, co-coordination)
Work Package 2: Creation of the interdisciplinary and participatory approach
Task 2.1: Stakeholder analysis and engagement
Task 2.2: Building a Theory of Change to identify evaluation needs
Task 2.3: Social side of policy impact
Direct responsibility for Deliverable Coordination:
D2.2 Theory of Change for the project’s case studies. Description: ToCs development to clarify expected changes and indicators for the environmental policy evaluations to be operationalised
D2.3 Assessment of Social Impact in policy evaluation. Description: Design of the social Impact Assessment framework used in the project to ensure the operationality of tools and guidelines
Seal of Excellence – Horizon Europe
Call: Horizon-MSCA-2023-PF-01
Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships 2023
Topic: Horizon-MSCA-2023-PF-01-01
Type of Action: Horizon-TMA-MSCA-PF-GF
(Horizon TMA MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships - Global Fellowships)
Proposal number: 101149517
Proposal acronym: BorDeMEr
Proposal Title: Building a New Theory of Cross-Border Democracy to Cope with Emerging Challenges in Europe and Beyond
Type of Model Grant Agreement: Horizon Unit Grant
Secured funding:
Pathways for Co-creation between Local Authorities and Collective Actions for a Sustainable Transition (CO-SUSTAIN)
European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme 101132467
Role: Co-writer and co-signatory of the Project
European Union’s Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Programme 101132467
Length: January 2024 - December 2026
Call Title: The climate imperative and its impact on democratic governance
Funding scheme: Research and Innovation Actions
Work Programme Topic: Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society
Consortium: University of Turin, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna, Universidad de Grenada, Tartu Ulikool, Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto, Instytut Gospodarki Surowcami Mineralnymi i Energią PAN, Associació Ecoserveis, Euroquality
Progetti di ricerca