BEUCITIZEN - All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship
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Descrizione del progetto
‘All Rights Reserved? Barriers towards EUropean CITIZENship (acronym bEUcitizen)’ is the title of a European research endeavour by a consortium of 26 universities coordinated by Utrecht University, in the 7th framework programme. The research involves an EU subsidy of € 6.5 million. The research is directed towards obstacles that EU citizens encounter in the exercise of their rights and obligations. What are the reasons for these impediments, what are the possibilities for the European Union to further develop the notion of European citizenship in the future?
The research aims to gain an insight into the obstacles faced by European citizens when they exercise their rights and obligations, into the possible contradictions between economic, social, political and civil citizenship rights and into the conceptualization thereof at the European and national level. According to the research programme this challenge requires a multidisciplinary approach and international comparative research. The University of Turin, Department of Culture, Politics and Society is coordinating a WP on “balancing gender and generations rights”.
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