KIDS4ALLL Key Inclusive Development Strategies for a LifeLongLearning
KIDS4ALLL Key Inclusive Development Strategies for a LifeLongLearning
Partecipanti al progetto
- Ricucci Roberta (Responsabile)
- Bosisio Roberta (Collaboratore)
- Carriero Renzo (Collaboratore)
- Cornali Federica (Ricercatore)
- Donatiello Davide (Collaboratore)
- Naldini Manuela (Collaboratore)
- Schroot Tanja (Assegnista)
- Cabria Marcello (Assegnista)
- Gabriella Taddeo (Ricercatore)
- Anna Miglietta (Ricercatore)
Descrizione del progetto
KIDS4ALLL aims to implement a pilot action that will experiment a learning method and learning environment in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts to address the integration challenges of migrant children.
The KIDS4ALLL learning method draws on (1) knowledge acquisition (2) skills training and (3) attitude transfer to convey lifelong learning competences as a whole within a collaborative and co-creative learning process.
As a response to the educational needs of children, in particular of migrant children, and of educators as pathfinders for continuous lifelong and lifewide learning, the project grounds on three Key Inclusive Development Strategies (KIDS) towards LifeLongLearning (LLL), which represent the specific objectives of the project:
1) Fostering acquisition, maintenance and cultivation of competences related to the 8 LLL key areas.
2) Enhance the methodological competences of educators towards inclusive and participatory teaching, training and intercultural dialogue.
3) Testing the concept of peer-to-peer learning in form of buddyship collaboration (guided pairing of learners) with the lifelong and lifewide dimension of learning.
The learning method will be corroborated by the online and offline instruments that represent the KIDS4ALLL learning environment.
The KIDS4ALLL project team envisages to implement the pilot action in formal, non-formal and informal institutions in 9 countries (2 of which non-EU), all of which chosen according to their particular and differing migration and educational contexts, and to reach approximately 1000 members of the principal target groups defined by the project.
KIDS4ALLL impact will be realized through the combined expertise of the consortium members that include academic institutions, civil society organizations and policymakers from 10 EU countries and 2 non-EU countries and an International Advisory Board that covers additional six countries in the European area and beyond.