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1 marzo 2024 | The new forms of racialization: climate and environmental racism and antiracism

Pubblicato: Lunedì 26 febbraio 2024

The new forms of racialization: climate and environmental racism and antiracism

Discutono Dario Padovan e Alfredo Alietti, autori del volume “Le grammatiche del razzismo”, Edizioni Ca’ Foscari, 2023

Introduce Andrea Taffuri

Ciclo di incontri "Seminars for an ecological society" organizzato da Unesco Chair in Sustainable Development, Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario “Crisis”. Master in “Sostenibilità socio-ambientale delle reti agroalimentari”, Rivista "Culture della Sostenibilità", Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change

1 marzo 2024 ore 17.00
Torino, CLE, Aula 3D440 | Webex

Calendario incontri


This Seminar should serve to open a horizon of reflection to shed light on the relationship between Anthropocene, geo-capitalism, and racism. As has been noted by different commentators, the term Anthropocene refers to an undifferentiated Anthropos, to a humanity abstractly made equal in the face of the causes and consequences of the ecological crisis. However, this abstraction avoids reflecting on the faults of the past and the responsibilities for the future of the planet, just as it avoids questioning the distribution over time and between species of geological agency. We want to emphasize how the origins of the ecological crisis are largely marked by paste processes of racial discrimination, which then evolved into a system of classes.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 27/02/2024 15:32
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