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febbraio-marzo 2024 | Seminars for an ecological society

Pubblicato: Martedì 13 febbraio 2024

Theories, languages, and conflicts of the socio-ecological deep transition

Ciclo di incontri "Seminars for an ecological society" organizzato da Unesco Chair in Sustainable Development, Centro di Ricerca Interuniversitario “Crisis”. Master in “Sostenibilità socio-ambientale delle reti agroalimentari”, Rivista "Culture della Sostenibilità", Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società, PhD in Sustainable Development and Climate Change

9 febbraio - 22 marzo 2024
Torino, CLE | Webex


February 9th | ore 17.00-19.30 | Aula 3D440 | Webex
Weaponizing Nature and dehumanizing Humans: A Political Ecology of WarDario Padovan and Davide Grasso

February 16th | ore 17.00-19.30 | Aula 3D440 | Webex
Horizons of the socio-ecological transition: from green capitalism to ecological GemeinwesenMauro Bonaiuti and Dario Padovan

February 23rd | ore 17.00-19.30 | Aula 3D440 | Webex
Climate Leviathan and the future of democracy
Davide Grasso, Alessandro Sciullo, Osman Arrobbio

March 1st | ore 17.00-19.30 | Aula 3D440 | Webex
The new forms of racialization: climate and environmental racism and antiracism
Dario Padovan and Alfredo Alietti

March 20th | | ore 10.00-13.00 | Aula 3D440 | Webex
Power and knowledge construction in environmental and health controversies. Community-based approaches
Vittorio Martone, Rosalba Altopiedi, Filippo Ravenda - 10.00-13.00 - Room 3D440 -

March 22nd ore 17.00-19.30 | Aula 3D440 | Webex
Climate conspiracy theory: agents, dynamics, contents
Massimiliano Demata, Virginia Zorzi, Maria Cristina Caimotto

Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/03/2024 10:38
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